Sunday, November 28, 2010


The first Roses and Revolutions Poetry Slam was a huge success despite the university's power problems. I'd like to thank everyone involved who competed, supported, and contributed both to making it happen and helped us raise funds for the homeless and impoverished. Another congrats to the slam victor Lucky Lefty, and plans are being put in place for another to be held at the finale of Black History Month. More details will come soon.

I'd also like to thank everyone for the encouragement given to the team of Gabe da Poet and I at T.Miller's Big Ass Poetry Slam event. The whole evening was great and the event proved to be an exciting experience.

Also thanks to everyone who have supported my ongoing venture with the varsity news. I've been constantly flooded with positive feedback in regards to my work with the paper. I am humbled and grateful for that. I was very wary of it at first but it is an experience i'm glad to not have passed up on.

There has been a lot of big things that have happened over the course of this year, and i'm thankful for everyone who in one way or another has helped my growth as a person and poet.

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